June 25, 2023, Tel Aviv University, Buchmann Faculty of Law
Fiduciary Law encompasses numerous relationships in private law and offers extensive and distinct remedies for breaches of the obligations it establishes. Despite its significance, the body of legal literature concerning this field in Israel is notably deficient, and court rulings are constrained in their coverage. This book endeavors to bridge this gap and thereby enhance, rejuvenate, and deepen the legal discourse surrounding this area of law. The book examines a wide range of relationships that have been acknowledged as creating fiduciary relationships, including those between doctors and patients, parents and children, officers and a company, and lawyers and their clients. Through extensive and unconventional comparative research, Dr. Naftali Ben Zion presents an innovative theory that explains the disparities in court rulings across various common law jurisdictions (UK, Australia, Canada, the United States and Israel). This theory enables a comprehensive analysis of existing laws and offers resolutions to unsettled disputes concerning the boundaries of fiduciary duty, thereby contributing to the advancement of theoretical literature in general, and Israeli law in particular, within this crucial domain.
For invitation and details, see https://law.tau.ac.il/events/25-6-23safra
